Technical Tutorials
This growing series of videos is all free to watch on YouTube but also available here. They are an explanation of a huge amount of technical work that musicians and teachers refer to all the time. They cover the basics of scales, the chords hidden within them, how to arpeggiate them, how to make the fingering on the piano easy (although the notes themselves are relevant for any instrument) and also spread out into more advanced stuff. YouTube is already full of wonderful explanation for all things musical and I am adding to it in my own unique way of explaining things in the hope that it benefits the students in my own studio as well as anyone else out there who wants to understand these things.
Following up from these tutorial videos are a huge range of practice backing tracks ("Tech Prac Tracks") that can be very helpful to practice along with on your instrument of choice at home. They are written out in both treble and bass (sorry alto and tenor players out there! You guys can be legends at transposing or playing by ear!). They can serve as a useful tool for making sure you know what you are doing well enough to be able to keep up with a pre-recorded backing track. They were born out of the desire to play together during covid lockdowns (and stave off boredom!) and can be a continued practice tool regardless of if lessons are online or not.
*** Subscription link coming soon in the Shop page ... when I finish editing well over 100 of them! ***